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Live Oak Mental Wellness Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization,
which makes all donations tax-deductible.
Your donations enable us to connect Antelope Valley residents with the mental health supports they need,
spread mental health information from reliable sources through social media and local events,
provide peer support to those who are grieving the loss of loved ones,
host clinician-led group therapy,
and more as we continue to grow.
Thank you so much for investing in the mental wellness of our community. We appreciate your support!
Live Oak Mental Wellness Project, Inc.
(or scan with your banking app)
We gratefully accept checks made out to
Live Oak Mental Wellness Project
and mailed to the same at:
1401 W. Rancho Vista Blvd
Palmdale, CA 93551
Your employer may offer an automatic donation to Live Oak Mental Wellness Project
through Charities Aid Foundation America.
Check with your HR Department
to see if you can join
Northrop Grumman,
Lockheed Martin,
and more!
Amanda Regalado
Julie Provost
Joshua Lester
Jane Martin
Bridget Nelson
Brian & Sherri Andreasian
Yvette Todd
Melanie Garren
Thank you to our Founding Donors
of 2022!
Ann Mould
Hugh Regalado
Samantha Ghrier
Christine Hill
Maryanne Rowerdink
Kathryn Boice
Cindy Carver
Tyler Heckathorn
Cierra Gooden
Lila Faye Olsen
In Loving Memory of
Kathy Stevens
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